The Harbor + Sprout Vision
We set out to create a life of immersive, intentional learning that feels natural, engaging, and sparks wonder and curiosity at every turn. Experience the joy of discovering the world your way with Harbor + Sprout.
Welcome to Harbor + Sprout
We are parents who love to learn and grow alongside our children. We enjoy unexpected journeys and learning outside the box. We are here to help you bring learning to life.
We Believe
that art projects, baking, days spent in nature, free writing and journaling, hours caught up in books, conversations, and other parts of life count as school- not in a "day off" kind of way, but truly as time well spent in valuable endeavors.
We Believe
in stepping away from the checkboxes and into experiential learning. We believe in following unexpected pathways, fostering opportunities to discover, and allowing for the slow and steady process that is a life of learning.
We Believe
in fostering an enriching environment that encourages deep-level learning and provides endless invitations to discover.
We Believe
that when curiosity leads the way, learning and critical thinking will inevitably follow. We believe that there is value in time spent ruminating, mulling over new information or experiences and allowing connections to form.
We Believe
that we can take ideas from many sources and glean what resonates with us to implement into our own lives. We believe that we can go against the grain and make choices for our own unique families' needs even if those choices differ from anyone else's.
We Believe
that children are capable of incredible things when we provide the time, tools, and support they need.
There is something for everyone at Harbor + Sprout.
Our learning programs are different from anything you'll find anywhere else - on purpose. We saw a need for high-quality, open-ended resources that provide enough gentle structure to set the adventure in motion, while allowing families the freedom to tailor each lesson, activity, and project to suit their unique needs. Harbor + Sprout not only teaches information, but helps children discover HOW to learn. We love incorporating this learning philosophy into our own homes and seeing thousands of families across the globe do the same! Join our worldwide community in learning the Harbor + Sprout way.