Harbor and Sprout
Engineering Patchwork Study
This Patchwork Study is currently undergoing an update. It will be available for purchase again soon!
Welcome to the Harbor + Sprout Engineering Patchwork Study, the September 2021 release of our original elementary-level homeschool unit study curriculum. This unit study features 4 weeks of lesson plans and materials covering all 9 of our core subjects plus a playful supplemental section of thematic activities. This unit study is meant for use by children ages 3-12.
This unit is delivered via a secure link as a digital download.
Daily, weekly, and monthly planning pages
Book list including stories, poems, and field guides with recommended ages, subject correspondence, and brief summaries for each title
Lesson plans for 4 levels of learning
Family read aloud with discussion guide and recipe
Character kit- new monthly character illustrated by Stephanie Groves
Week 1: Why Earthquakes Happen
Week 2: The Magnitude of Earthquakes
Week 3: Earthquake-proof Buildings
Week 4: Science Experiment
Nature Study
Week 1: The Bee Engineer
Week 2: Colony Collapse Disorder
Week 3: The Ant Engineer
Week 4: Underground Homes
Week 1: Early Engineering in Rome
Week 2: The Steam Engine
Week 3: The Automobile and Developing Ideas
Week 4: The Brooklyn Bridge
Week 1: Solar Energy
Week 2: The Panama Canal
Week 3: The Power of the Wind
Week 4: Wildlife Bridges
Language Arts
Week 1: "The Bridge Builder"
Week 2: Parts of Speech
Week 3: Rhyming Words
Week 4: New Words
Week 1: Brainstorm and Prewrite
Week 2: Research and Outline
Week 3: Write your First Draft
Week 4: Revise, Edit, and Proofread
Week 1: Guten Tag, Johann
Week 2: Keeping Time
Week 3: Musical Machines
Week 4: Invent and Build
Week 1: Art Elements
Week 2: Technique
Week 3: Principles of Art and Composition
Week 4: Paper Engineers
Week 1: Exploring Angles
Week 2: Proportions and Equations
Week 3: Exploring Triangles
Week 4: Mean, Median, Mode, and Range
Nature Activities
Animal Builders Copywork
Animal Builders Tracing Cards
Fairy Houses
Garden Maze Coloring Poster
Mushroom House Templates
Vintage Nesting Birds Cards
Wellness & Quiet Time
Construction Vehicles
Construction Zone Sensory Bin
Construction Zone Playdough Mats
Construction Zone Word Search
Writing & Language Arts
Spelling Practice
Bridge Puzzles
Spelling Cards
Engineering Story
Writing Process Reference Pages
Revision Practice
Coloring Pages
This unit will be delivered digitally as a downloadable zip file. H+S Patchwork Studies average approximately 550-650 pages of content. While the download does include the option to print the full unit straight through front and back, we recommend printing on an as-needed, as-you-go basis. Enjoy your engineering adventures!